How to apply tiered discounts based on order amount?

You can use the IFS function to apply a tiered discount based on the order amount.

IFS function

IFS function evaluates multiple conditions and returns a value that corresponds to the first true condition.

Syntax: IFS(condition1, value1, condition2, value2, …)


condition1 - The first condition to be evaluated.

value1 - The returned value if condition1 is TRUE.

condition2, value2, … - Additional conditions and values if the first one is evaluated to be false.

You can evaluate multiple conditions using the IFS function. For example,

IFS(Age > 60, "Old", Age > 18, "Adult", Age >=12, "Teenager", "Kid").

Apply tiered discounts

You can use the TOTAL() function to calculate the total order amount and apply a tiered discount. For example, if you would like to offer a 25% discount on orders above $100, 10% discount on orders above $50, then you can use the following formula.

IFS(TOTAL() >= 100, TOTAL() * 0.25, TOTAL() >= 50, TOTAL() * 0.10, 0)

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