How to create automatic discounts based on order amount or order quantity?

You can use IFS function to apply a discount based on the order amount or order quantity

Discounts based on order quantity

You can use the QUANTITY() function to calculate the total order quantity and apply the discount. For example, if you would like to offer a 10% discount on the total amount for orders quantities above 10, then you can use the following formula.

IFS(QUANTITY() >= 10, TOTAL() * 0.10, 0)

Discounts based on order amount

You can use the TOTAL() function to calculate the total order amount and apply the discount. For example, if you would like to offer a 20% discount on the total amount for orders above $100, then you can use the following formula.

IFS(TOTAL() >= 100, TOTAL() * 0.20, 0)

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